- Interiors
- New building
- Pesonalized spaces
- Varnishing
- Colours
- Neighbour stairs
- Velatures-rustic
- Facades
- Murals, trowelling
- Placing of synthetic parquet
- Oxide effect
- Restoration of old furniture
- Labelling with vinyl
Decorative painting and sumptuous decoration
High-quality paintings of houses, flats, premises ( shops, restaurants, etc.).
We use a system to restore and decorate based on a professional service where we can stand out the working hours, finish delicacy, area preparation and later room cleaning.
We work with the best products from the best manufactures and we also send you the technical specifications of the products that shall be placed in your spaces.
Industrial painting
- Painting of industrial warehouse
- Metallic structures
- Painting of roofs
- Courts
- Singposting
- Parking
- Maintenance of firms and resident´s associations
Painting of facades
- Dampness repair
- Previous works (bricklayer, carpenter and locksmith)
- Acrylic mortars
- Smooth and rough coverings
- In the open
- Residents´associations and maintenance
- Study of colours depending on the age of the facade
- Health and safety at work plan
- Social security register for all the workers
- Civility insurance
Our budgets, once signed and come to an agreement about the work to develop by the both sides, do not change on no account.
We work all over the countries
We accept credit card payment: Visa, Mastercard, 4B, Maestro, Factoring, etc.
Some places we have worked:
- Palau de la Música Catalana
- Restaurantes del grupo Sagardi (Todo el estado)
- Vinoteca Torres
- Rabat Joiers
- Hogares Mundet
- Hotel Ibai
- Restaurante Jean Luc Figueras
- Hospital de Badalona
- Clínica del Carme
- Perfumerías Blau
- Vinícola Alta Alella
- Galeria d’art Marc.
- Estudi de Fotografía, Dolors Gimenez.
- Habitat
- Boulevard rosa
- Teatro Albéniz
- Ajuntament de Montgat
- Ajuntament de Tiana
- Diputació